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Radix sinensis (scientific name: Celtis sinensis Pers).It is a deciduous tree of the genus Ulmus of the Urticaria order, up to 20 meters high。The bark is smooth and gray。Annual branches densely hairy。Leaves alternate, leathery, broadly ovate to narrowly ovate, 3-10 cm long, 1 cm wide.5-4厘米。Heterotactic flowers (unisexual flowers and unisexual flowers), 1-3 flowers in the axillary of the current branch。Drupes solitary or 2 conjoined, subglobular, reddish-brown when ripe, pits and ribs。Flowering period from April to May, fruit period from September to November。

It is distributed in the Huaihe River basin, south of Qinling Mountains to South China, middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and south provinces (regions) and Taiwan。It is also found in Vietnam and Laos [1]  。It is mostly grown on the roadside, hillside and forest edge at an altitude of 100-1500 meters。 [2] 

It can be used as a street tree and has strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, chlorine and other toxic gases.The stem skin is the raw material of papermaking and artificial cotton.Fruit oil for lubricating oil;Wood is hard and can be used in industry.Root, skin, leaf medicine has the effect of reducing swelling and pain, detoxification and heat treatment, external application of water and fire burns: leaf soil pesticide, can kill red spider。


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